I believe you are asking about the Vicki Boer case? And why there is no "decision" from Her Honour?
I also believe I have responded to your comment before too!
The Court does have a maximum of 6 months to rule. The court is well within its limit. The court has to look over all the facts and the points of law and any new points of law that may have come out.
I would rather have Her Honour, Anne Molloy, take her time and give Vicki's case a fair review rather than rushing. This is a very difficult case for Her Honour seeing the WTS doesn't believe in the disclosure rule too much and Vicki's counsel ... was ... well ...
Might I suggest that you back off. The decision will be released with much fan fare whether Vicki wins or loses.
I think Happy Man is just worried over the verdict for Vicky and the rest of us who wait for every stone against the WT to leave its dent.
This forum is a wonderful place with loving people and I think expressing his eager ness for a verdict is nothing to back of off. Although I understand that when one is eager also it can be stressful to keep hearing the same thing from many others. I assume he is not the only one on pins and needles chanting….”Is there a verdict yet? Is there a verdict yet? Is there a verdict yet?”
So please be patent with us and we will try to be more considerate of you.
I do understand you have done so much to help in The fight for Justice from The WT.
Thank-you Hawkaw from me and my family and I am sure many others have a special place in their hearts for you.
Gotta Luvz Ya,
I know as usually you and Scully will be informing us of the outcome of this case and so I will patently wait for your long anticipated posts.