Note the following gem from the Watchtower of 1994:
*** w94 12/1 p. 6 The 20th-Century Denial of God ***
The clergy have also denied God by turning their backs on his moral standards—as evidenced, for example, by a steady stream of lawsuits against pedophile priests. The situation of Christendom resembles that of ancient Israel and Judah. "The land is filled with bloodshed and the city is full of crookedness," the prophet Ezekiel was told, "for they have said, ‘Jehovah has left the land, and Jehovah is not seeing.’" (Ezekiel 9:9; compare Isaiah 29:15.) Little wonder that many have abandoned Christendom’s churches altogether! But must they abandon belief in God?
Since we now have the evidence of a growing stream of lawsuits against JW's and the WTS for child molestation and abuse, we have no choice according to this article but to conclude that the WT leaders "have denied God by turning their backs on His moral standards". Clearly, the situation of the WT organization "resembles that of ancient Israel and Judah," in that "The land is filled with bloodshed and the city is full of crookedness,"
Little wonder that many have abandoned the Watchtower organization altogether!