A well-done news story. The original Watchtower Organization IS incorporated in Pennsylvania, and the state has taken on the Catholic Church successfully. This is a case worth watching! Keep in mind New York state has opened up the statute of limitations for one year on sex abuse. This is why Trump was sued successfully. Who knows how many cases may come to trial in New York State in 2023 against Watchtower? https://www.fox43.com/article/news/local/pa-grand-jury-investigation-systemic-cover-up-child-sex-abuse-jehovahs-witnesses/521-3ebc3df5-6044-4982-ac96-fc473c8a865f
Fox News feature on Penn. Justice Dept. investigation of Jehovah's Witnesses and Watchtower as an ORGANIZATION after arrest of 9 JWs.
by Balaamsass2 6 Replies latest watchtower scandals
Get the popcorn ready! 🤣👍🏻
I found the Fox news Witness to wickedness clips all in one story instead of 3 clips and posted to my FB page... because a few witnesses are still friends--maybe they will see it...I really think they need to know this is coming down the pike. Some won't watch anything negative about the JW...if you have the truth, what is there to fear?
was a new boy
Stale popcorn?
New York' s Child Victims Act
WINDOW CLOSED - opened August 14, 2019 and closed August 13, 2021
New Revival Window in New York City.
Window OPENS March 1, 2023 Window CLOSES March 1, 2025
New York State
There are 6 months left for survivors and victims of sexual assault to file their own lawsuits under the Adult Survivors Act.
An Explanation of New York's Law for 2023: https://news.bloomberglaw.com/us-law-week/n-y-adult-survivors-act-renews-claims-for-sexual-assault-survivors
Even Fox News, now.
Still gobsmacked.
This is a York, PA Fox affiliate. This is the same station (although other stations covered this as well) that reported on the Sarah Brooks case back around 2016-2017 or so. This was around the time of the Oxygen Network special, "The Witnesses" came out as well.