I can honestly
i can honestly say that i never saw the effects of love /care /consideration / especialy christian love ,but i did experience fickle type backbiting friendships /jealousy/and greed followed by me,ismn CHARITY WAS NEVER PRESENT.the need or concern for others not of the faith was totaly lacking , in retrospect we led our lives, only ocasionaly offering a few ponds to charitys, only if a collector pushed or shook a tin within your face ,
The reason being that the kingdom work must come first regardless of all the inhuman suffering exploding around you, hunger starvation,death ,pain
numbness blindness effects all members of the borg, as they are immune to the suffering of others
what where you lacking in as a member of the borg ????????????
What have you done now to rectify your actions when a borg member
what qualities have you now developed