Does the Bible have a built in fail safe system?

by logansrun 1 Replies latest jw friends

  • logansrun

    I've come to the conclusion that the Bible has it's own built-in fail safe system; that is, incorporated into the text are scriptures which corners one into a position where it is impossible to believe otherwise. Scriptures that warn against "apostasy", "independent thinking" and the like are used all the time by the Society to show how correct they are in their advice. For example, they will state that the Bible warns against independent thinking and, lo and behold, people that do independent thinking leave the "truth", often Christianity all together. Does this prove the Society's and the Bible's message?

    Nope. All it shows is that people in the first century were coerced and put under subtle and not so subtle mind control techniques just like JWs and fundamentalists today. To warn that free-thinking will cause you to lose your faith (hence "don't question!") and find that that is exactly what happens is no sign of special knowledge or divine foresight. It's human nature, pure and simple. The Bible writers were just as crafty in their manipulation of people as the WT is today.


  • expatbrit

    I think a lot of those "fail-safe" scriptures were written by a certain lawyer, a profession which involves to a large extent predicting, considering and attempting to refute or discredit future arguments against the held position.


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