New Watchtower Cover - Issues Of Our Time
by m0nk3y 9 Replies latest jw friends
That one is a CLASSIC!!!
Big Tex
Rats. I was hoping it was going to be
"Ted Jarecz -- Dickless Wonder"
Well, for the record, I thought those Grand Mothers were being WAY too kind to the Watchtower Cult and Book-Peddling Corporation(tm)
To be honest even I would have loved the door to door work with those sisters >:)
Monkey & per usual, something to give me a good chuckle on an early freezing cold Tuesday morning.
I have to admit, the 'Watchtower' & 'Awake' magazine covers we come up with, are my favs. We should do it more often. It's absolutely painfully funny.
Good one Monkey, thumbs up for granny.
SYN, the drugs's the drugs! Those pill-poppin' grannies got the medication thing down pat. I'm sure the mixture of pills must produce at times, LSD-like conditions.
Gonna get me some Milk of Magnesia and some High Blood pressure meds, and see what I come up with.
Another one just for you Rayzor!!!!!
HAHHAAHAH yeas. I have become aware of somthing SYN .. the reason u have so many posts to your name is because you steal other peoples work and write over the top of it .. isnt that like copyrighting or ....errrrr .. nevermind *hides his work*