"worldly philosophies"

by happysunshine 6 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • happysunshine

    So whats the deal with the WTS take on "worldly philosophies" and the "wearisome" making of many books stuff? On what basis do they make their interpretation of it meaning basically not to get a higher education or inquire into things? Any comments? -J

  • refiners fire
    refiners fire

    Well I will comment.

    Now this is only a generalization, but it is a generalization there is much evidence to support.

    It is a peculiarity of cults that, when they are starting off and making their initial recruitment campaigns that they have a tendancy to recruit of the very best that is available . By this I mean there is a tendancy by new groups to recruit in Universities and institutes of learning. They are looking for young people who have a life times energy to give and they are looking for people with smarts .

    Now as time goes by, and the cult gets what might be called its "market share", this tendancy reverses. The cults position becomes that of being Anti Education. Perhaps the leaders, (who were among the educated ones recruited in the early phase) have a fear of "educated" articulate, knowledgeable people usurping their position of authority.

  • happysunshine

    I agree with you on that, RF.

    I am interested more in on what basis they originaly made that interpretation of the particular scriptures. Was that a common interpretation with, say, only other apocolyptic religions in the mid 19th century or something? Was that the intent of the original Hebrew/Greek? Any thoughts?


    RR: you're absolutely correct.

    In Toronto, there seems to be a slealth group of wacko-religious sects that prey upon students. It was such a concern at one downtown university (Ryerson, I believe) that there were posters everywhere warning students against them. They had a number for you to call if you were approached by one or more of these 'jezuz-freaks'.

    Oddly enough their existance on campus to recruit soon had students off campus, giving their heart and soul to these soul sucking groups. So much for learning. Snuffed out, so sad, so tragic.

    Higher learning would obviously be a means to engage in critical thinking, something the Borg doesn't want you to have. Otherwise, you'd begin to question things...pretty quick and heaven knows you wouldn't want to let others know about your discoveries.

    A mind is a terrible thing to waste.

  • truthseeker1

    To them, the less you know the better. As long as you get all your info from 1 source, you don't have any conflicting information and you can go along with them till the end of your days. Now if you go to a University, you learn many different things and many different points of view. Once you start to realize that there is more to the world than the WT tells its drones, you are on your way out. That scares them, so they try their hardest to stop people from attending college.

  • Faraon


    So whats the deal with the WTS take on "worldly philosophies" and the "wearisome" making of many books stuff? On what basis do they make their interpretation of it meaning basically not to get a higher education or inquire into things? Any comments? -J

    They want to make their followers feel smarter than those who waste their time in higher education. In return for blindly following the witchtower, they will live in someone's house after Armaggeddon, or go to heaven if you are one of the limited-space 144,000 condominiums there.

  • Faraon

    Why is so much space between paragraphs in some of these posts?

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