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THE HARP of GOD by J.F. Rutherford was first published as an edition of 510,000. Now let’s just stop right there and think about that. A quick look at the following website demonstrates the literary competition for reader interest in that same year.
The Watchtower’s publishing business had the distinct advantage of free distribution by volunteers. No doubt, at least half a million people were soon reading the bold and utterly false words contained in THE HARP of GOD. Such as?
Proof Conclusive
Millions now Living will never Die
J.F. Rutherford, as the second President of the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society, writes confidently, persuasively, and with extraordinary authority. In all of this, we are now reminded, he could not have been more misled in this sense of divine guidance and election!
[443]Suppose we admit, for the sake of the argument that no man knows the day nor hour of the Lord's appearing. What difference does that make? The hour and the day have already passed. He is here! And let all truly consecrated Christians rejoice. "But of the times and the seasons, brethren, ye have no need that I write unto you," says St. Paul. (1 Thessalonians 5:1) The times and seasons are clearly established by the overwhelming proof that the Lord is now present."
Now how silly is that line of reasoning?