I have see a few posts on here lately from individuals asking why there there is so much JW bashing on this site. To you who asked - here's the answer.
When an individual has a traumatic experience this puts an imprint on their sub-conscious and conscous mind (so to speak) - it is a wound and it is painful. External wounds are healed by covering them and protecting them - however, internal wounds like rejection, fear, etc do not heal by being supressed. The best way (and this is confirmed by a counselor I spoke with) to heal from a traumatic experience is to talk about it - as often as you need to. Talking it through allows you to work through those feelings and release the emotions that are intertwined with them.
Being disfellowshipped is a very traumatic experience involving rejection, depression, pain, and fear. Likewise when one comes to realize that the "truth" they had once based their reality on is not so it is another traumatic experience.
Most of the individuals on this board have suffered one, if not both, of these. This board offers a place for these people (myself included) to talk through their feelings with others that can not only sympathize with their position but also offer advice, alternate opinions, and experience. This board is a counseling session so to speak for many of us.
So you ask "why all the JW bashing" - I answer - because we are in the process of heaing from a traumatic experience.