Did anyone watch 20/20 last night? Here's what one of the stories was about;
Quite a few women who had planned on dedicating their lives to their country, have come forth to tell the horrors they've encountered while at training at the Air Force Base (in Colorado I think).
Many women have been raped repeatedly by "superior officers". Alot of them did nothing, and did not report it because they didn't want to be seen as a trouble-maker and they didn't want to give up their dreams of serving in the Air Force. The men that raped them would say things like "no one will ever believe you" and "I'm an Officer, you're nothing." However, some eventually reported the rapes. And what happened? Absolutely nothing. Those in charge wanted to keep it all hushed up because they were more concerned about preserving the "image" of the Air Force, rather than do something about the sexual assaults that were going on. One guy was a known serial rapist and the Air Force still did nothing. And guess what? When these girls went public, they all got booted out. They are totally disillusioned and are planning to sue.
Does this sound familiar or what?? Just replace the words "Air Force" with "The Watchtower" and "women" with "children" and the story line is the exact same.