JW TV Monthly Broadcast - 3rd unofficial Meeting!

by Da.Furious 9 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Da.Furious

    Did any one notice that the monthly broadcast on JW tv is being treated like a meeting similar to the old book study arrangement?

    At our KH, in UK, all congregations meeting at the hall have a monthly arrangement for this. Some have a group arrangement and alternate between family homes to watch the broadcast and some use the KH on weekends.

    This arrangement in our congregation, at least, is being treated as a meeting for each of the groups. Going after each family and notifying them when the broadcast is and at which family house it will be watched. Also asking for refreshments, etc. Although no attendance is being taken, but the group overseer and his minion know who is coming and who is not and making sure that on the next broadcast they ask them - this happened to me. At home we don't watch any of this.

    I not sure how official this is getting, but is anyone having similar arrangement and to some extend being asked to attend!

    I think this is another method to identify the spiritually weak (tm).

    Da Furious

  • sir82

    Our congregation has a monthly meeting at the KH on a Saturday afternoon for the old-timers who are not internet-savvy, to watch the broadcast. But attendance is not mandatory, I don't think very many even show up.

    In general, the broadcast serves as (yet another) measuring rod for judging the "spirituality" of a person.

    "So, what did you think of this month's broadcast?"

    If your answer indicates you watched it, you get a "Plus 1" in the interrogator's spirituality log book.

    If you say "I haven't seen it", that a "Minus 5".

  • eyeuse2badub

    I've watched a few of the broadcasts out of curiosity. How he hell can anyone who has been a long time dub watch them without getting a little nauseated? Amateur hour all the way.

    just saying!


  • crazy_flickering_light

    Not such an arrangement in my cong. But I hear about something like this. If anybody ask, I tell them I like to look it for my own, it's better to follow and I can stop in between and think about it. I only read the summary on the websites, so I'm mostly up to date.

    But seeing Lett perform the show in the hall or with a group of dubs, it's more then I can take.

    I think, nearly all congs got a beamer or videoscreens, so we will have more and more broadcast-style meetings.

  • ToesUp

    We were invited to someones home (long after we left) to watch the broadcast. We declined, of course.

    This particular Elder thinks the can love bomb you and you will return. My spouse always says, "Return to Jehovah, so we can treat you like crap." lol

    I have never understood why they could care less about you while you are in but once you leave they all of a sudden want you back. I just don't get it.

  • WTWizard

    I view the broadcasts as nothing more than a tool to show just how stupid the religion is. And, they want us to throw away all our toys, cancel all vacations not at washtowel headquarters, and forgo ice cream cones so they can buy those expensive props seen in the video? And that's if you can get past the horrible lame excuse of "music(??)" in those videos.

    Sure, I may have watched them--some of them, at least a minute or so. And it was terrible.

  • darkspilver

    Er, its kinda explained fully in the BoE Letter November 7, 2014 "Re: Arrangements to view JW Broadcasting monthly programs."

    So are congregations/KHs ACTUALLY doing this? Oh yeah, Da Furious' is! Haha! Anyone else?

    What is interesting is that although congregations who meet at the same KH could have a combined arrangement, evidently, in the case of Da Furious, they aren't - hmmm maybe that's actually the most 'revealing' thing about this? Do the congregations get on together? Would you want to combine with Da Furious?...

    That's all folks!

    DarK SpilveR

  • Da.Furious

    @darkspilver: My understanding was the broadcast at a KH level is for anyone who can not watch it at his own comfort.

    Although our KH advertise the dates for the broadcast, 3 congregations have their own arrangements at a group level. As per friends comments, the KH broadcast is watched by around 30 odd members, mostly elderly. The figure peaks when refreshments and food is served afterwards, as usual.

    So i think some are using this as an additional tool for more control!

  • darkspilver

    But isn't it really then just a case of damned if they don't, and damned if they do?

    If no arrangements were/are being made, people would complain that those without computers/smart phones/internet access would not be able to watch the videos.

    If arrangements are being made, such as you describe, people would complain that it's like an additional meeting.


    You need to remember that people often enjoy the shared experience of watching a video/DVD together with others - AKA 'Movie Night' with friends and popcorn. Which means that, even if you had the facilities to watch the JW videos by yourself in a darkened room - as a 'Billy-no-mates' - most people would probably enjoy the communal aspect of watching it together especially when combined with (extended?) social interaction both before and afterwards, particularly if, as you say, refreshments and drinks are provided.

    BUT, and it's a big but... if the above semi-social gathering was going on in your congregation, as you say it is, and you were NOT being invited, you'd probably be complaining that you weren't being invited


    That's all folks!

    DarK SpilveR

  • Vidiot

    I still think JWTV is the best thing to ever happen* to the GB and us...

    ...they've found their true calling, and we've been proven right all along. :smirk:


    * Ironic, in that I don't want to actually watch the thing...

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