No matter what happens, 'hovahs can do no wrong.
'hovah numbers go up = 'hovah's blessing
'hovah numbers go down = 'hovah cleanses cong/tests followers
Kingdom Hall missed by hurricane = 'hovah's angels in action
'hovahs witness to gang of bloodthirsty hyenas and make converts = 'hovahs blessing/angels
'hovahs get brutally beaten, raped and killed by bloodthirsty gang of hyenas = 'hovahs stood courageous in face of death
'hovahs go along with wrong doctrine until changed by GB = 'hovahs waiting on 'hovah
'hovahs sell all belongings and go serve where the need is greater = doing all one can for 'hovah(rich spiritual blessings)
'hovahs make stand in workplace, get fired, land new job making a gazillbillion more dollars = 'hovahs blessing for standing firm.
'hovahs give last dollar to GB instead of paying rent/buying food, etc., go on government dole = giving firstfruits to 'hovah
'hovahs shun family/those who disagree with false doctrine = loyalty to 'hovah
press reveals disgusting cover-up on child abuse in cong. = persecuting 'hovahs people
'hovahs lie under oath to secular authorities = theocratic warfare
'hovahs protect child molester in cong. = protecting innocent brother
Add to the list if you like.