On reddit.
I've been expecting this.
Any confirmation?
by berrygerry 6 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
On reddit.
I've been expecting this.
Any confirmation?
We had this letter a couple of weeks ago. Basically it said that the CD ROM would be discontinued and a DVD issued in its place next year. I understand this includes illustrations. After that a new DVD would not be issued each year as at present but users would update online each (year, month or whenever) after that.
They will be worth a fortune to people like us.
I wonder how many JWs will twig the fact that the Borg is sanitising its own older material so that the cracks and glaring errors won't be accessible to the newcomers. I am reminded of information control in Orwell's novel 1984. Oh! the wonder of modern technology.
No one will notice. They'll just fawn over what a blessing it is to be a part of such a modern organization that's taking advantage of technology! They also won't stop and realize that a DVD with online updates is technology that's about 10 years old at least.
When I was at a 2 week "elder school" (tm) back in 1973 at Norco, CA the bro who was the instructor, Russell Dixon, made the comment that we should 'encourage' the brothers and sisters to NOT be reading the old WT publications. Wonder why? So for over 40 years the borg has been trying to cover their asses from the true past of blubbering idiots.
just saying!