"Everything Has a Purpose"

by compound complex 5 Replies latest jw friends

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Teleology: the assignment of purpose to everything.

    "Native dualism and native teleology predispose us, given the right conditions, to religion, . . ."

    -- The God Delusion, by Richard Dawkins, page 210

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    new word

  • snowbird

    Murrain - a plague or pestilence that affected domestic animals ...

    Old word.


  • Magnum

    Have you read or are you reading The God Delusion? If so, may I have your opinion of (http://english.stackexchange.com/questions/62656/should-we-use-opinion-of-or-opinion-on) it?

    Is Dawkins implying or indirectly stating that humans have an innate tendency to assign purpose to everything?

    I like new words, especially good ones like "teleology". [I think convention calls for the period to be inside the quotation marks here, but I choose to put it outside for good (to me) reason.]

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Thanks, Magnum and Syl:

    Will look into that link, Magnum.

    I am reading Dawkins and am adjusting to a totally different view . . . of EVERYTHING!

  • compound complex
    compound complex


    Often, in day-to-day conversation, we use expressions that may, or may not, carry over into formal writing. Informally, one says "this thing is different than that thing." Across the ponds, folk say "different to." In formal usage, it's "different from." Re: "enamored," it's always "enamored of," not with.

    As to the preposition following "opinion," one can use "about," "on," "concerning," "of." However, in reference to beliefs or ideas, one might use "on": What is your opinion on my former cult?"

    With reference to feelings, attitudes, behavior, etc., use "of": My opinion of his conduct at school is pretty low.

    Last: I really have no opinion about financial matters beyond my own overdrawn bank account."

    It's all about usage: what once was frowned upon has, in many cases, become standard. Take what you want and leave the rest . . .

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