Why would they remove it? It costs so much for a pack of cancer sticks--just think of what would happen if that money was removed from the donation boxes! It is true that smoking defiles the body (and so do coronavirus shots, but are they going to ban those?). It also wastes money on something that gives negative value, programming the soul to repel money. And it is stupid for anyone to start smoking those things.
But evil? The evil is for those pushing cancer sticks on the public, not those smoking them. Those are merely victims--similar to a mouse stuck on a glue trap. Like the mouse that gets stuck on those things, people are goaded into starting smoking and do not know what it is going to lead to. Also, like the mouse that gets caught in a glue trap, by the time you realize you are hooked, it is very hard to get out of it. Is it fair to disfellowship the victims? Or would it be better to help them to quit if they already smoke and to prevent them from starting if they don't?