Ok, so that might be the Superbole of hyperbole, but this is VELLY, VELLY interestink! http://www.newscientist.com/features/features.jsp?id=ns22871
144,000 epileptics?
by SixofNine 6 Replies latest jw friends
Thanks six for that link. I had read an article about that in the NY Times recently and it sparked an interest in meditation.
Your subject line was clever too, but you have to read the article to get it.
Does superbole of hyperbole mean that the 144,000 are anything BUT epileptics?
Thanks for posting this six. The article WAS very interesting. Based on Persinger, I'm now wondering what magnetic field in my room was causing me to see my Nana's ghost when I was about 16? (At least, that's who/what I thought it was.... and she had been dead for 14 years already!)
I dunno, but I bet she looked a lot like pictures you had seen, or had a strong familial resemblence, eh?
I've often wondered about people I know who are sure that Jesus has literally come to them. I can't help but think that if, all other things being equal, they had been born in Persia, they might have seen [what they percieved as] Allah, and not Jesus. Of course, I suppose there is no way, other than physically and genetically, all other things could be equal.
Actually, the spectre didn't "look" like anyone, which is what made the research all the more interesting to me. I just "felt" it was my Nana, of whom I had no conscious recollection although she lived with us until she died (because she had had a stroke) until I was 2.
Maybe I was just in need of "mothering" without wanting my own mother to know too much about why I was hurting? Dunno. Because the Message I felt was, "It'll be okay." Where I got that it came from my Nana, I have NO idea.
I wasn't trying to refute the info in the article. I actually was wondering aloud where the magnetic field came from? "She" was a vaporous, translucent being standing at the foot of my bed.
Thanks, six.
outnfree -
Exactly as I was leaving JW-hood (emphasis on hood), I met two lovely women who I engaged in deep spiritual conversation (I must say, it was nice have that as a nice, sincere, topic starter, lol). Both of these women had at one time "felt" the presense of Jesus, they believed.
One girl explained that it was just a very comforting "spiritual" feeling as she was going through a surgery. She was actually a bit sheepish in telling me, and said it was not something she went around sharing, as she understood that the circumstances made it look suspect to a skeptic.
The other womans experience was also prefaced by telling me that it occurred at a time when she had been under great stress. She was however, adament, (and believe me, I was not acting skeptical, in fact at the time, I was NOT skeptical much, just thought, cool, a non-jw annointed) that it was Jesus who appeared to her. Her words were that it was the "most sensual, though not sexual", experience she had ever had. I did not discuss it with her enough about it to find out how she knew it was Jesus however. This same woman also told me she had once seen colors come out of a womans mouth as she was singing, so I know her mind can take her places that I would love to go. Or, maybe it's God talking to her.
BTW, the gist of both these girls experience seemed to be a spirit telling them, "It'll be OK".
My father had stories of haunted houses, and contact with the demons from when he was young. Sure enough, both my brother and sister, both much older than myself (and therefore closer to dads "demon" stories), are sure that they have had personal contact with demons.
Anyone else notice that "demon" stories seem much more rare than 20 years ago? Even amongst witnesses?
Outnfree, I imagine that the part of the brain triggered by these magnetic fields, can be triggered by other things as well. Perhaps even desperate emotional needs. Hey, it's better than schizophrenia no matter what you believe, right?
LOL, six! DEFINITELY better than schizophrenia (that would be the REST of my family!!!)
I'm thinking that I perhaps I was too young to "THINK BIG"! I only thought my ghost was my Nana -- perhaps I should've set my sights on Jesus
Thanks again for the link. I may be buying one or more of the books.