New JW Trinity

by OHappyDay 8 Replies latest jw friends

  • OHappyDay

    Jehovah. The Organization. The Faithful Slave. The new JW trinity.

    This was confirmed at our SD. The speaker, a 20-year Bethelite, spoke for an hour and only mentioned JESUS CHRIST three times. But he mentioned The Organization and The Faithful Slave scores of times.

    More and more I get the feeling that Jesus exists only as a footnote, an after-thought among Jehovah's Witnesses. Despite the upcoming Memorial, now the Lord's Supper (as Christendom always called it and the latest Watchtower seems to prefer), most Witness publications deal with Jesus only in passing. The important actors of the religion are Jehovah. The Organization. and The Faithful Slave.

    Holy, Holy, Holy.

  • freedom96

    They sure have it backward don't they.

  • Room 215
    Room 215

    Despite WT rhetoric to the contrary, Jesus has now been largely relegated to little more than a cypher, an ``area code'' that one dials in order to get through to the Big Boss with a ritualized prayer.

  • Bhagavad

    It's becoming more and more convincing that Jehovah's Witnesses are an Illuminati-style hijacking of Christianity.

  • crinklestein

    Jesus: "Thank you for praying. Please hold."

  • NeonMadman

    Jesus did prophesy the coming of false "anointed ones" (Greek, christos) who would deceive many. The JW organization has such false anointed ones, who regularly turn their followers' attention from the true Christ to themselves.

  • Farkel

    : More and more I get the feeling that Jesus exists only as a footnote, an after-thought among Jehovah's Witnesses

    That has always been the case, just as the body of the deceased at a JW funeral is used merely as a prop while the speaker uses the rest of the occassion to promote the Watchtower Corporation and chum for new recruits in the audience.


  • DanTheMan

    If you do a search on your Watchtower CD-Rom you will find that Matthew 24:45-47 gets more hits than John 3:16 (God loved the world...) & John 14:6 (way, truth life) combined!

  • jgnat

    Personally, I am fond of Blondie's trinity, repeated in every gosh darn article:

    Daily Bible (read WT) Reading, Meeting Attendance, and Field Service.

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