Good point, Chrisauld.
This point had always bothered me my whole 28 years as a jw. I wrote the WTS about 25 yrs ago about it and my reasoning was based on Ezekiel 18:4 and surrounding verses. If you recall, it says "the soul that is sinning will die." The context is that a father should not be put to death for a son's error nor should a son be put to death for the father's error.
This seems to preclude children being put to death at 'armageddon' based on their parents' course. I still feel that way.
The answer was that it would 'be very unwise to make a statement either way.' But, over time, i've noticed that the WTS literature has indicated it both way, though most jws believe that the children will die.
PLUS, it's not even the 'adamic death.' It's the '2nd death' reserved for Satan, the demons, the 'man of lawlessness,' and other sinners against the holy spirit. So, how could children warrant such a punishment, based on their parents' life course.
That seems more heinous than anything humans have done.
"I'd rather live with questions I can't answer than questions I can't ask (or answers I can't question)."