Another pervert hidden by his congregation.
by BelleStar 6 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse
stan livedeath
the "Warwick" referred to in the newspaper is the place in the UK---not the place in the US where the watchtower is developing.
stan livedeath, I was in a hurry posting the link so didn't get chance to explain it was in the UK.. Can you imagine how the girl felt who went to her mother and it was hushed under the carpet. Not unusual practice though.
When I spent all those years within the movement I would never in a million years have believed the extent of such evil wrongdoing within it. As an elder I had read the letters about it but I thought it was only a single case or two in the whole world, and certainly not here in the UK. How misguided I was!
Today , I am appalled that they still do not want to co operate with prosecuting these perverts....
I feel your pain. Been there, worn the T-shirt. Still appalled.
Bluesbrother: "-- As an elder I had read the letters about it but I thought it was only a single case or two in the whole world, and certainly not here in the UK. BB, that shows how innocent some elders are on that subject. Warwick is only 80 miles from Rotherham, and 1500 girls were choked, raped in that town alone, now, extrapolate that to the world, India. Hope is, that the outrage about it will spread. -
BluesBrother - "Today , I am appalled that they still do not want to co operate with prosecuting these perverts...."
They don't want the loyal R&F to realize just how widespread and unfixable the problem is.
They don't want to run out of "qualified Brothers" willing to shepherd the congregations.
They don't want to reveal their own individual sordid pasts.