Another One Bites the Dust!
by imzadi 7 Replies latest jw friends
Probably one of the single most informative posts I have ever read!
(in case it is edited, the above post is blank at the time of this posting)
Kansas District Overbeer
Damn, and the whole time I thought this was going to be a post about the band Queen...
Chevy of the 'doesn'ttake disappointment well' class
Chevy, let's not make fun of band queens. At out local high school it is called band sweetheart and my daughter was so honored her senior year. That makes the honor special. Bug
Hmmmm. Was imzadi referring to him/herself ?
Well it's been six months since imzadi posted. Relevant? Dunno. Imzadi has a friend who is a JW. Is it that friend who has "bitten the dust"?
Bug: ?
Are we talking about the same thing here? The band QUEEN....... Creators of such anthems as "Bohemian Rhapsody," "We Are The Champions," and alas "Another One Bites the Dust."
Imzadi, I like your screen name. It was a great book by Peter David.