So Jehovah the bronze age deity God of the nation of BC Israel. Next he's the God of the whole world even outer space,, as man's understanding of the earth increases past the bronze age so does Jehovah's greatness. The Watchtower interpretation of scripture presupposes what they know about the world today or perhaps only what their thick brains know about the world today,, because they have this evil fixation about science and higher education being a tool of the devil to draw people away from the real truth found in the bible, their knowledge is very limited and back to the 1800s.
Much to the chagrin of the Watchtower Corporation Jehovah's godship has been significantly reduced due to what science can now tell about a probable multiverse. way out of range of any slower than light speed God. The Biblical Watchtower Jehovah deity just can keep up even when riding his heavenly chariot at warp speed. Jehovah's eyes are everywhere.