The Daily Mail , on its Wiki page, used to have a notice on there from Wiki which warned it was not a source for factual information, that notice is probably still there !
" I guess as long as the answers backed up the party line no one cared."
That is the case, in the last few months before I finally walked away all those years ago, I used to give an answer that sounded like it backed the party line, but introduced a subversive idea. Most Elders did not notice, but maybe I planted a seed with someone in the audience ?
I remember one in the old Group Study, held in a private home as they still were back then, we were doing a bit in the old "Revelation" Book about how the U.N was one of the "beasts".
I answered and said about the Org. being "temporarily" a member of the U.N, and made the answer look a bit acceptable by saying that the Org. removed itself as a member, the Elder in charge looked a bit disturbed by what I had said, and merely said "Yes", whereas normally he would agree with an answer with alacrity..
I doubt he, or other people there, realised they were soon cosying up to the U.N again, but I tried !