Have you had formal counselling/therapy?

by starfish422 5 Replies latest jw experiences

  • starfish422

    I am starting sessions with a psychologist in a couple of weeks. I still have so much anger that I've been trying to deal with on my own for nearly ten years; well, technically for almost 28 years. It is now manifesting itself in anxiety and depression. I finally talked to my doctor about starting to see a therapist to work through this stuff; I don't want to let the Borg have any control over me any more.

    Just wondering if anyone else has had counselling for this sort of thing; did it help? Thanks.

  • Sentinel


    After years and years of feeling great despair and unhappiness in my life, and covering it over fairly well, like you it began to manifest within me, giving me ulcers, panic attacks, anxiety attacks. I knew I had to do something, but still could not afford to get professional help, except for a couple well-meaning counselors, who "didn't understand". I bought many books of the self-help variety and read and read, but still seemed to be "stuck".

    Nearly three years ago, (gosh, has it been that long?) I sought out help again, this time through job benefits, and I was able to get some good help. Eight weeks of therapy with a gentleman who knew all about the JW's. He said that no doubt, this is what was causing me to be in the condition I found myself. Through lots of opening up like never before, we got to the root of it all, and the healing really began.

    I highly recommend going to therapy and seeing someone who is familiar with the cult of JW's. This religion had been a part of my life, one way or another affecting me, since I was thirteen. So, you see, it took me a very long time to get that monkey off my back--as I am now nearly 57. Life has improved greatly for me. I wish you the best of success.

  • Brummie

    Senital your story was interesting to read. This accidently turned out to be a double thread so there are other responses here:




    Hey Starfish. Yup, ol' Rayzorblade has been gone for counselling.

    You know what, when I first went, I would not talk about my JW involvement, I was too ashamed. Poor doctor was so confused.

    Later, I devulged that I had been a JW, then the floodgates of understanding and 'plan of action' were put into place. Glad I did seek help, it made the world of difference, and I stopped being so damn angry all the time.

    Feeling much better. If anyone is considering this: I strongly encourage you to do so.

  • Sentinel

    Oh, thanks Brummie----I see that other thread now.



    Nine years total! The first three helped me to find the self-esteem to end my marriage...the next three helped me escape the jw cult...and three more to undo the dub-isms and refill my life with healthy stuff. Now I'm living!!!

    I'm prouda yew for having the courage to go for therapy!!!!!


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