Beelzebub the forefather of

by James Mixon 8 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • James Mixon
    James Mixon

    No other individual has been responsible for creating such a large number of none believers. People may change faith but they still believe in GOD but when "MOST" leave JW's, oh boy they become down right disrespectful of Jehovah...So a great game plan by Satan, he's a tricky devil. To be known as the number one religion that turn folks away from GOD, that is saying something about your faith.....LOL. Raised Baptist I witness problems in my church, one minister ran off with the secretary, the last one ran off with the church's money. No one lost their faith, they just moved to another church...

  • schnell

    #1? Really?

    I can't speak for everyone else, and it's clear that not every ex-JW becomes an atheist. It certainly doesn't help to have had the Bible rubbed in my face all my life, but some see through it regardless. In point of fact, I did try to observe the meetings with a loose, liberal, metaphorical understanding of Christian doctrine. I found it impossible in that setting, though the Unitarian Universalists seem to accept atheism and metaphorical understanding just fine.

    I'm atheist because I have looked at where these beliefs come from, how we evolved, and how they evolved right along with us. It's theology and anthropology. So, humanism, really.

    I respect another person's right to fantastical beliefs, and I acknowledge the role of religion in politics. It's not going away anytime soon. This is why I have come to prefer street epistemology and the Socratic method rather than blunt, aggressive assertion.

    But I am curious. Who says that Jehovah's witnesses produce more atheists than any other religion or sect?

  • schnell
    By the way, the name Beelzebub is a result of political manipulation of the text. The king of Ugarit some 3500 years ago was named Ba'al-Zebul, "The Lord On High". In the text, it was changed to Beelzebub, "The Lord of the flies."
  • James Mixon
    James Mixon

    schnell" I have no proof that JW's produce more atheists only the comments from people here. As a JW you stick out your chest because of your knowledge of the Bible, but in reality you have little knowledge. So when you leave you study on your own and that's when it kicks in. That organization blinded us to the truth of the Bible due to the many inconsistency in their teaching and thereby leading folks to discover on their own (as you say) "looked at where theses beliefs come from etc."...

  • schnell

    Ah. Yeah, I've had that observation myself. Sometimes it's actually "nice", if you'll allow me, like after I've been in a days-long Twitter debate with Ancient Aliens believers.

  • James Mixon
    James Mixon

    An interesting day you are having, "debate with AA believers".

  • schnell

    That was pretty unreal. Apparently, evolution by natural selection isn't sufficient to account for human complexity and consciousness, and thus directed evolution was necessary, and thus we were basically created by aliens... Which may have been evolved.

    And what's more, human activity and natural processes aren't sufficient for climate change, so the aliens are behind that too. (God? Or Ming the Merciless?)

    The important question, of course, was why this one young woman believes this. And she talked about a near death experience where her car should have flipped but didn't, etc. This experience opened her up to this aliens nonsense, which she asserted without really thinking it through. But that near death experience is the important thing. She just wanted an explanation, a higher reason.

    (Edit: Pushed Submit prematurely. Meh.)

  • Crazyguy

    Years of research is what made me an atheist, the JW religion just pushed me to actually do the research.

  • James Mixon
    James Mixon
    "The JW religion just pushed me to actually do the research". There you go, if GOD exist my man Satan pulled a fast one with his religion......

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