Child porn video, made in australia, search for child, help..
by blackout 9 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse
this is her picture if anyone recognises her they should call the phone number.
here is the story:
Australian police have uncovered video footage through UK authorities showing a young girl being sexually and physically assaulted by a middle-aged man.
The identities of the girl, believed to be aged between nine and ten with dark hair, or the man are unknown, but police called for public assistance in tracking down the pair.
Background scenery of the Australian bush and a magazine captured in the footage had led police to believe the film was made somewhere in NSW or Victoria.
NSW Police Child Protection Squad Detective Sergeant Peter Yeomans told Channel Nine's A Current Affair police were desperate to find the girl who could be in extreme danger.
"This has came about from an incident in the UK and it absolutely is just a terrible situation where a child is being abused both physically and sexually and even to a point I would say torturing," Det Yeomans said.
He also said it appeared the girl and the man were quite familiar with each other, indicating they may be related.
"From the audio from the video clips it appears that they are related or at least well known to each other," Det Yeomans said.
"He may be a father or a step father or could be just a relative but it appears they know each other quite well."
He said the magazine was dated in the year 2000 but did not indicate that was when the video was shot.
Det Yeomans described the video as the worst thing he had seen in his policing career.
"With viewing the video tapes you can see that she really needs to be taken away from that situation so that we can ensure her safety," he said.
"Our concerns are that this matter is continuing and it is paramount that we find this little girl so that we can get her away from what's happening to her and make her safe.
"... I have never seen anything as bad as this."
The videotape was uncovered after English police arrested a paedophile in the UK and the Australian accents of the two had prompted authorities to contact Australian police.
"This child is very recognisable, someone out there - a teacher or a fellow student - would be able to recognise this child and contact us urgently," he said.
NSW Police said the investigation was being done by the Child Exploitation Internet Unit and asked anyone with information to call Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000.
Hope someone finds her soon
well done blackout. good idea to put it on this forum, every bit of exposure means more chance of her being recognised.
i saw the story last night on 'a current affair'................i hope they get this animal out of society and the poor little girl out of his clutches. it's very disturbing to say the least.
let's keep positive thoughts for her, that she'll soon be recognised and safe from him.
Really sad, I hope they catch this creep, and get her some help.
Big Tex
I feel physically ill.
Apparently they have found her safe with her mother who apparently knew nothing about it and will be able to help them find the guy.
So thank goodness for that.
will update with further info.
I hope when they find the guy, it turns out to be the bastard who keeps spamming me with ads for porn sites!
Glad the girl is safe.
The girl is safe, and the video is a few years old, apparently.
Abused child found safe with her mother
A young girl featured in a video showing her being sexually abused has been found safe in central Victoria.
The girl was in the care of her mother, a Victorian police spokeswoman said.
She said investigations were continuing into allegations of sexual abuse arising from video footage showing the girl being sexually and physically assaulted by a man aged in his 40s.
Hundreds of people called a hotline with information last night after the footage was aired on the national television show A Current Affair.
Australian police uncovered the video footage through UK authorities.
Earlier, a caller to talkback radio in Melbourne said the girl had been safe with her mother in a small country town in central Victoria for about six weeks.
"I know that the mother was watching television last night and discovered the child (featured) was actually hers," the caller, identified only as Janet, told 3AW.
"She was shell-shocked by the whole thing ... and called police last night."
According to the caller, the girl had travelled extensively through central Australia with "this person in question".
She said the child was now aged 10.
"My understanding is that (the video) is a couple of years old," she said.
"What I know is the child has gone with this person and another person for some periods of time over the past few years."
Meanwhile, Victoria Police Chief Commissioner Christine Nixon said police from three states were working together on the case.
"But given it is an investigation, I don't think it's appropriate for me to comment much further on that," Ms Nixon told reporters.
©AAP 2003 -
Here it is:
Man charged over child sex tape
Queensland Police have charged a man with five counts of indecently dealing with a child after he was allegedly filmed sexually abusing a young girl.
Police said the 52-year-old man was located at Mt Carbine in North Queensland on Thursday night.
He was charged with five counts of indecently dealing with a child under 12 years of age whilst in his care, and one count of making an objectionable computer game.
Police confirmed the charges in a statement this morning.
The man will face Cairns Magistrates Court later today.
A police spokeswoman said his arrest came after a three-month investigation.
Hundreds of people flooded the police CrimeStoppers hotline after footage of a middle-aged man sexually and physically abusing a young girl was aired on national television.
UK authorities uncovered the footage, which contained background scenery of the Australian bush and showed a magazine.
The footage led them to believe the film was made somewhere in NSW or Victoria.
The girl was on Thursday located safe with her mother in a central Victorian town.