Possible Complaints From WT About JWs Going To Brunches And Going On Vacations

by HiddlesWife 8 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • HiddlesWife

    I recently heard from a few PIMOs and saw on the exjw Reddit that the above topic was discussed during a midweek meeting (CLAM). The Reddit Member mentioned that there were complaints from the Branch that too many dubs "were posting too many vacation and brunch pictures [on social media] when that time could have been spent in service!"

    If this is reality--and knowing this cultcorporation, I wouldn't be a bit surprised--they are really trying to stop the R&F/ members from enjoying NORMAL HUMAN ACTIVITIES. Looks as if the Borg wants the $$$$$ used for these interests to go to them instead! 🤬

  • Smiles

    JWs are being conditioned to use social media as a tool to spy on fellow JWs, and interested persons.

    The Haley videos at the 2022 convention demonstrate this JW problem of spy & judge.

  • Gorb

    Al that dollars spend could be for jjw.org.

    They proof to be money grabbers and want even the money for chikdrens icecream l.


  • TonusOH

    Guilt-tripping is a pretty common tactic for the WTS. The whole "could you be doing more" schtick is used for everything from getting people to donate more money to getting them to spend more time in field service. And the "some brothers have been discovered doing this" bit is also used when they don't have any real examples but they want to browbeat the membership.

    They sound like one of those mid-level marketing scams, always pushing members to find more people to add to the pyramid scheme and learn better ways to squeeze more money out of them. It takes a while for many people to realize that they have spent their time funneling money to the top while getting nothing out of it for themselves.

  • road to nowhere
    road to nowhere

    Sounds like a local needs that was actually local. None here, but we don't vacation in our economic strata. Belly button showing?

    They did have a convention scolding sbout not going to bethel tours but making it to amusement parks a fewcyears ago.

  • Smiles

    If the WT Ramapo Propaganda Compound is completed, we can expect WT will resume shaming JWs that chose to spend resources for personal pleasure holidays instead of a Ramapo NY pilgrimage.

  • HiddlesWife

    road to nowhere=> ANTMO plus another Helper a few years ago gave talks about this, remarking that "we can have more fun at Bethell and in the New World in paradise than at those theme parks", something to that effect. Yeah, this cultcorporation wants the funds used for NORMAL ACTIVITIES to go right straight to them in their bank accounts!

  • Foolednomore

    Ramapo is the Disneyland for Jw's. Can call it JWLAND.

  • Mikejw

    Ramapo is the Disneyland for Jw's. Can call it JWLAND.


    if the bethelites can live in luxury why not those outside?

    I spent years of my life in bethel and then on BRD, since covid we haven’t been able to visit Chelmsford at all but hope to be able to go there again soon.

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