Does it bother you that your kids are Witnesses? Does it disturb you because YOU taught them?
YOU Are Responsible For Your Kids Being Jehovah's Witnesses, Do Ya Feel Bad
by minimus 7 Replies latest watchtower bible
Hmm, I don't have any kids, and any that I do have in the future will definately not be brought up as witnesses, but I was raised in it stricly by my mom and I don't blame her. I know she was doing what she thought would save our lives.
What I feel terrible for are the parents who brought their kids up as witnesses and then left the religion, only to have these same children shun them. I think that is horrible and its situations like these that make me hope for the watchtower's demise.
I'm single, and no kids
No one in my family is a JW, so how in the heck did I end up there?
Must have taken a wrong exit
Hey Minimus, Yes I am very angry with myself for bringing my kids up as JW's. Actually my younger son(17) has left the organization since I left 4 years ago. He never got baptized (sooo happy about that) although he tried to twice and was shot down by the elders. So although he has little contact with any witnesses lately he is not SHUNNED. My older son(23)is a ministerial servant and recently married a pioneer sister(I was not invited to their wedding reception). He has minimal contact with me. I call him occassionally and make him to talk to me. I've told him many times that I do not expect to be IN his life. I recognize that he is busy with his own life, work, friends, family but I do expect to be a PART of his life. To share some time together occassionally, I ask him "is your faith so weak that spending a few hours a couple times a year will cause you to leave the organization?" I get no response from that question. He says that I hurt him so badly when I left the he has no feelings for me anymore.( It's the "you are dead" if you leave mentality) I know that it has alot to do with his wife and the fear of how the congreagtion would view him if it were known that he was associating with me. He came over yesterday to pick up his brother to go play basketball, when I knew he was coming I baked him some cornbread which he loves and he seemed happy to get it. He was civil and I am thankful for every minute that he gives me. My hope is that someday he will leave the BORG and know that I did'nt ever give up on him, I've told him time again that there is nothing he could ever do that would make me stop loving him and talking to him. He has that assurance from me as a parent. When he has his own kids perhaps he will rethink his position, finally understanding the love that people have for their children and the pain that he would feel if his own child rejected him. Thanks for starting this thread!! Flower
Thanks Minimus, how nice to open an old wound.
You bet it disturbs me knowing I did this to them! But what is done is done and I have to move beyond this. My course of action now is to not allow my younger son to attend programming sessions anymore, and with my older boy, well they really got him already, so I just plant seeds of doubt when I can and give him lots of opportunity to slack off his JW activities when he wants to, and many times he does. It’s really all I can do at this stage.
The only thing that keeps me sane, or relativity sane, is that each day I do a little something to carry on the fight against the dark tower and win my family back from this cult.
Very few days go by that I don’t ponder what would things be like if I didn’t ask to study the Bible. Yes I initiated it! Christ THAT WAS THE WORST MISTAKE I EVER MADE IN MY LIFE, WHAT THE FU*K WAS I THINKING!
Nobody can begin to know the level of guilt a parent feels knowing full well that it is because of them that their own child is now part of this deadly destructive cult. I would never wish such a thing upon anyone.
I talked to a father and mother who are anointed. They are in fear that their pioneer daughter will poison their youngest daughter (30yrs. old) with JW teachings. The youngest daughter never did get baptized. This past month this couple decide to stop turning in their time. They have gradually stopped going to meetings. They are 3rd generation Witnesses who have seen the light. Their pioneer daughter rarely talks to her parents because they express to the family their correct views of the Witnesses. Now they are trying to safeguard their youngest from being fooled by the "big gun pioneers" that the pioneer daughter is bringing around so as to try to start a Bible study with the younger sister. These people are even inviting this girl's 3 young kids to parties so that they can have some new (JW) kids to play with. They are always trying to recruit!
Since I am still considered a Jw and I still attend meeting, I have to drag my kids there too. I feel awful. We are hopeful that by the time they get into the teenage years we will have made a clean break.
Hubby and I don't pressure them in anything. They don't have to comment, or join the school and during meetings they can go to the back as many times as they want to.
wannaexit, I wonder how the congregation view you, your husband and kids.I'll bet they count how many times the kids go to the bathroom.