Wasted Space

by Francois 4 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Francois

    What is it with some folk here who put a page of space between the paragraphs of their post? Is this supposed to lend a dramatic air to their writing? It doesn't, NIMHO.

    I personally feel it's a PIA and should be curtailed.



    And I burned up a whole New Topic to say that too. Durn it.

  • musky
    Is this supposed to lend a dramatic air to their writing?

    I thought thats what these were for :

  • jgnat

    I am wondering if such posts or intentional, or an unfortunate byproduct when translating from one system to another.

  • JH


    And I burned up a whole New Topic to say that too. Durn it.

    I have a spare thread, do you want it?

  • Faraon


    It used to upset me too, until it happened to a couple of posts I wrote. I never left any space between the lines, but sure enough, four inch spaces showed up when I submitted it.

    Another thing is that I can't find the edit button when I make a boo-boo. I must leave it the way it is. The quotes button sometimes does not work after I submit.

    I don't know why it happened, but there was nothing intentional on my part when it happened.

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