by ransek 6 Replies latest jw friends

  • ransek

    I have a question to all of those who have spoken with the elders about Watchtowers involvement in UN.

    How did they respond?

    Did it come as a surprise?

    Did they have excuses?

    I’m still viewed as a witness, but I haven’t been to a meeting for 6 months. As such I have been able to talk to some very zealous witnesses. It was shocking for them to hear about NGO.

    Here in Scandinavia it’s almost quiet about this affair, and I can’t understand why.


  • outnfree


    Welcome to the Board!

    I never confronted an elder about this issue, but the Society's official excuse, in a letter to those elders who requested info (not sure if it went out to ALL elder bodies), was that the Society needed to become a Department of Public Information, Non-governmental Organization member of the UN in order to be able to access the UN's library for research. As soon as they realized (10 years later, despite needed to prove annually that they were promoting the UN's activities through their publications -- note the increase in Watching the World items positive to the UN from 1991-2001, not to mention a cover story during the UN's 50th anniversary) that the requirements for being a DPI/NGO were incompatible with WT neutrality standards, they resigned.

    The thing is that a) they resigned under pressure from JWs and ex-JWs who discovered their membership and were horrified at the association with the "wild beast" and b) an organization does NOT have to become a DPI/NGO in order to have access to UN libraries the world over. In fact, in NYC, there are several public or university libraries that are UN repositories.

    If you click the search option here there are pages and pages of posts on this issue. Also you will find a link to a website (sorry, zev & hawk, I don't have it bookmarked on my new computer) that more completely documents the deception.


  • ozziepost
    the Society's official excuse, in a letter to those elders who requested info (not sure if it went out to ALL elder bodies), was that the Society needed to become a Department of Public Information, Non-governmental Organization member of the UN in order to be able to access the UN's library for research. As soon as they realized (10 years later, despite needed to prove annually that they were promoting the UN's activities through their publications -- note the increase in Watching the World items positive to the UN from 1991-2001, not to mention a cover story during the UN's 50th anniversary) that the requirements for being a DPI/NGO were incompatible with WT neutrality standards, they resigned.

    That's the situation downunder here in Oz.

    I agree absolutely with outnfree's statement:

    The thing is that they resigned under pressure from JWs and ex-JWs who discovered their membership and were horrified at the association with the "wild beast"

    That's the truth about "The Troof".

    Cheers, Ozzie

  • caballoSentado

    Hi ransek

    wellcome to the forum

    I am fading away, for more than a year now. I learned about the UN affair a couple of weeks after it was on the news. I started an investigation, found the truth & I am out now. I talked to several elders, I even went to the branch office in my country with this hypocrisy. They didn´t know about it at all. One of the big shots there told me after 15 days I spoke to him; "It was for the library card", I explained that that was not a good answer & gave the reasons... he answered "That was the answer we were told to give you". Another BIG shot there said "So What?"; he did not care at all... I understand that now, he lives off the organization & will always agree with it.
    In my congregation, one of these elders, a very good friend of mine, with whom I keep in touch, has been recently dissasociated for this reason. the others saw the unfaithfulness & had no word to respond... they did not take action against me....

    Caballo Sentado

  • battman

    Good morning everyone :smile:

    When an Elduh came calling, I have not been to a meeting

    in two years, about "things in my personal life that had been

    brought to our attention" I ruined his day with a blast about

    the UN scandal. Alsi I said you leave me alone and I will leave

    you alone especially with regard to "liability" on a local level

    and even presonally. He got the message and has not been

    back in six (6) months!!!!!!!


  • Ginosko

    Hi Ransek,

    I was an elder when the affair was disclosed.

    I talked with some elders and this is waht happened:

    1. The first on was surprise and shoked, he agree with me, but decided to keep silence because of his family.

    2. The second one knew about the topic because was asked by one publisher before, but was also shoked and belived that in some way was a fullfilment of Mat 24:15. He didn't aggre with the conduct of the WT, but decided to wait in Jehovah.

    3. The third one only hear me, he also knew about the topic because was asked before by the same publisher. He didn'y reply anything, but I feel that in some way agree with me, but didn't had the courage to take an action or make more research.

    I talked with two other elders then, the ones that at last were used as the two witness rule to DA me. An elder member of the Service Desk of my country and a CO, they mantained the position of the WT, but didn't have any answers to my questions, only loyalty to the WT.

    The letter from the WT was not of public knowledge of the elders, it was only used by the Branches when a publisher asked about.

  • MacHislopp

    Hello Rensek,

    welcome on board. Concerning the topic

    Ozziepost gave you a concise and correct answer.

    I can tell you, because I was among those ...at the

    beginning of a very long lasting and devastating topic.

    Greetings, J.C.MacHislopp


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