Recently, I was going through some very old files, and I came across a folder containing correspondence I had with the Watchtower Society, mainly back in the 1970's, when I was a true-blue believer. I wasn't shy about writing to them for answers back in those days, whenever an issue arose that I couldn't resolve in other ways. Some of the letters are that sort of two-way correspondence, others are things like form letters from the Society to pioneers, and other stuff like that. I thought it might be interesting to scan some of this correspondence for posterity, and to share it with you folks on the board. I have "whited out" my personal information, such as my name and address.
The first entry is one of the most interesting, imho. It chronicles the beginning of the end for me as a JW, even though it took me over 20 more years to break completely with the organization. A couple with whom I was conducting a Bible study went to hear Bill and Joan Cetnar speak at a nearby church, and came back to me with a list of questions they wanted answers to. Unable to answer the questions on my own, I wrote to the Society. The answer took longer than usual to come back, and when it did, it was written on WTBTS of Pennsylvania stationery. Most letters I had received from the Society had been on WTBTS of New York stationery. Also, there was no desk symbol, the internal code they use to track who wrote individual letters. I have the sense today that this letter was written by someone very high up in the organization, maybe even Freddy himself.
Another minor point of interest is that the letter answers a question I did not ask. I never mentioned 1975 in my letter, but the second last paragraph of the response attempts to justify the teaching.
Anyway, without further ado, here are the scans of my letter to the Society, and its response. I'll try to offer scans of other letters in this series as often as I can.
My letter:
And the Society's response: