WTBTS helping War with stock in 'smartbombs'?

by sf 9 Replies latest jw friends

  • sf

    May I take this moment to bring to attention the Wonders of the Watchtower Society and their Gifts To Aid The War by saying THANK YOU WATCHTOWER BIBLE AND TRACT SOCIETY FOR THE 57 PERCENT STOCK IN RAND ENERGY (REGI TECH AFFLIATE) THAT WILL NOW HELP IN KILLING INNOCENT FOLK!

    You are truly Satan's Seed!! When the War begins, let's all give the WTBTS a 'shout out' and thank them for the stock in the company that HELPS FACILITATE the making of 'smart bombs' that WILL be used in Iraq, as we are thanking BUSH and remember that if it wasn't for BUSH AND THE WATCHTOWER, not to mentions sections of the 'Shadow Govt.', we would not have the bombs to 'disarm Saddam'.

    BRAVO!!!! Well done Watchtower Corporation! You are a part of this war we are about to enter; in ways so big, it can't be measured! Bravo!!

    Let's see, will the first 'smartbomb' be 'dubbed' TEDDY? hahahaha

    This ROT is so disturbing. And it keeps going.........on and on.........and on and on........and on and on and on and on...........

    Why hasn't the WATCHTOWER been 'blown out of the water' , after so many years of deception?

    THE 'WORLD' NEEDS THEM..THEY NEED THE WORLD. You wash my back(side), I'll think about washing your FRONT (side) mental( disability)ity. They need the Worlds money, the World need the WTBTS money.

    WHY???????? KA-BOOMY!! That's why!

    When is Prominent Bethelite going to be 'Prominent'? What is he and everyone else waiting for? What do you have to gain by waiting? How many more deaths, molestations, hypocrisy, bullkrap has to go on and on and on and on?

    If Watchtower goes down, this world will 'shift'. The World knows this too. 'It' sits in New York, the heart of the Beast. It was all designed, but for what??


    Pardon me, it's just I get so 'fed up' with WAITING for people to really want what they say they want in this world; and that is peace and happiness. Sometimes, I think they want just the opposite. Can't figure out why though.

    If you are still reading, thanks.


  • sf

    As I pre-dicted.

    sKally, ROFLOL klass


    ((sKallyWager)),someone is always reading....You are one pissed off lady,always ready to tell it like it is..Cool.....OUTLAW

  • Utopian_Raindrops

    I love your post here gurl!

    I think The WTBS is not blown out of the water because they are deep into that New World New Order Stuff…..You remember Bush,sr.’s Many Points Of Light speech right?

    I don’t believe in Reptilian Illuminati but I do know there are wack-os out there who think themselves more special then others.

    Delusional Men make Inner Circle Orders believing one day they will rule the world.

    Look at the claim The Anointed will be The 144,000….i.e. The GB.

    If you think your post was ignored check out what I wrote on this one!


    I’m sure many had a laugh and moved on. lol

    Gotta Luvz Ya sKally,


  • sf

    Now, ya all remember to thank your local kingdom halls for their active participation in charitable donations that ultimately fund this war!!


  • sf

    Yes, I changed the title, to bring more attention to the thread.

    Do some of you understand the deep implications here? It's so incredible to me.


  • gumby

    Hey scalleywacker,

    Hows about posting some more info on the rand company, their involvment with war, and the watchtower listed as share holders? Put together a little package for others to see that ties all this together. Many lurkers are unaware of the situation. I'm asking you to do it since you brought it up


  • sf

    Hey gumby,

    It's all up on other threads. Use that search engine babe.

    Happy trails!!


  • gumby



  • sf

    ~must be on front page~

    It's almost D-Day Ted!! Bet ( your assets) you are drooling and foaming at the mouth at how much you and BUSH will help 'jehovah' to 'klear the earth of Satans Organization.





    Goes the WatchTowerKlock.

    {{{{{{ standing ovation for the WATCH TOWER CORPORATION andd BUSH }}}}}}

    Yeeeeeeeeeee hawwwwwwwwww!!

    sKally Klass

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