IM so mad rite now i do not know where to start!!!!! they r having a party tonite with the witnesses,and u know its saturday nite!!!! my mom is makin me goooo!!! i dont want..i rather just hang out with my couisn(shes not a witness)so my mom is gettin all hyper saying i dont want to have nothing to do with the witnesses,lol,which i dont anyway,please tell me this is not fair,i hate it!!i have soo much fun with my cousin!!and she doesnt want me around her,shes the only one i can trust
Forced to go to a witness party!!!!!!!!
by Shytears 5 Replies latest jw friends
Try not to worry too much about it. Maybe you will have a great time!
Well if you have to go tell them about a great web site that has some great Watchtower Quotes, and ask them why the Warchtower was a member of the United Nations for 10 years and that Bulgarian Witnesses now have a choice for blood!
At almost every Witness "get together" (I think they call them "get togethers" instead of "parties", right?) there are ones they view as "spiritually weak", borderline JW's. Seek out these, these are some of the nicer ones. You may in conversation with one or two of these find some things in common. You can even share with them some of the info BEANS talks about. Ask them if they watched Dateline last year, and what do they think of that?
Shytears I feel your pain! Really I do!
My parents are having a congregation get-together at our house on Marh 22 for some family that is moviing away that I have never met. Last night a dear sister, who doesn't even remember my name, even tho I attended that hall for two years before I left, called me to get directions to my house so she can mail the invitations...and then had the audacity to invite me to MY OWN HOUSE!
Last nights conversation:
Her: ok so it's an immediate left after mile marker 192?
Me: Yes
Her: Great, I will put your phone number down so if anyone gets lost they call you. You know you are invited too, I hope you can come
Instead in my meek little way I just said "I think I will be out of town"
I need to be put in the Witness Protection Program.
Shytears...if I remember we talked before and you are 16 right? I know it seems like a long way to 18, but you can make it. Is there some excuse you can make? Get sick? Have an important project you have to do for school that will require you to go to a library? Go shopping with your cousin in the afternoon and then, "lose track of time?" It isn't fair that they FORCE you to attend, but on the other hand, they are your parents. Wait till you turn 18. In the meantime, hang in there, keep posting here, because we all feel your pain.
As for tonight...I would go with Gophers advice...go hang out with the people who are "bad association" They are usually the nicest in the hall and it will probably make them and you feel good to finally have someone to talk to..
so u can still get invited to a party or whatever, and u complain? Just be grateful they still invite u, and eventually u will be able to choose wherter u want to go or not. It is when they do not invite u to anything, that it gets really loney.and as someone said, there will be other "weak" persons there, so seek them out and find some friends, you'll need them when they kick u out.