New Date for Armagedon

by hippikon 5 Replies latest jw friends

  • hippikon

    Stand by for a nightmare end to the Universe - a runaway expansion so violent that galaxies, planets and even atomic nuclei are literally ripped apart. The scenario could play out as soon as 22 billion years from now.

    Better repent now! 22billion years ain't that far away

  • Kenneson

    I hope they took into account the year ZERO. It could offset their calculation. But not to worry. Dates (time) have nothing to do with prophecy. The doctrine is still accurate.

  • joannadandy


    The doctrine is still accurate.

    And what doctrine are we talking about?

  • greven

    See! Just behind the corner!

    They were right afterall! So where does 1914 feature in this prediction?



  • unclebruce

    Greven asketh: "So where does 1914 feature in this prediction?"

    If you add up the numbers one,nine, one and four you get 15. one plus five = 6. If you add the 1914 years from Eves birth to the 1914 years to Noahs baptism plus the 1914 years to Nebucadnezzars madness then the 1914 years to Jesus turning wood into a twelve piece dining suite then take away the time lost for meal breaks and preaching .. then divide by the number of Popes with syphilis .. hang on let me start again .. $%#&$ never could ghet the hang o' this deep stuff ..

  • berylblue
    If you add up the numbers one,nine, one and four you get 15. one plus five = 6. If you add the 1914 years from Eves birth to the 1914 years to Noahs baptism plus the 1914 years to Nebucadnezzars madness then the 1914 years to Jesus turning wood into a twelve piece dining suite then take away the time lost for meal breaks and preaching .. then divide by the number of Popes with syphilis .. hang on let me start again .. $%#&$ never could ghet the hang o' this deep stuff

    ..You "milk" drinker, you.

    I only bought that one because I shy away from anything mathematical to begin with.

    So many of the WT teachings are such a stretch. When I voiced my confusion or disbelief, I was told that I did not have the intelligence or the education of the GB to understand such things, so I needed to just accept them.


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