Interestingly, in the "Translation of the New World" there are missed poems. For example, in Matthew 17:21. And there are several dozen of such places. This is because these verses are in later translations, but not in the Westcott-Hort translation. And since these translators used ancient manuscripts (4-6 centuries), today their translation is considered to be the closest to the original.The question is: if one of the translators added these verses from himself, then what guarantee is there that someone did not arbitrarily exclude these verses in the 4-6 centuries? How to define it? And if these verses have now been deleted from the “Translation of the New World,” then what is the guarantee that this is correct?It is possible that in the manuscripts of the 2nd or 3rd centuries these verses exist.I am confused by two questions: how can a person after such an action fully trust the Scriptures, and are not the words of Revelation 22:19 executed on those who perform such manipulations? I do not exclude that these verses are indeed absent in the original scrolls, but who will check it? Perhaps it was necessary to leave these verses in Scripture, at least in the form of a footnote?
New World Translation
by Sergey Antonov 3 Replies latest watchtower bible
Wescott and HOrt--have u researched these guys? Very dark information on them, GHost Society, wanting to have their own translation and be able to bring in the new world order... a lot is written about them whether they applied the ancient docs or not, they had their own motives---- I always wondered why the wtBTS used their translations but I notice they are not listed in the foreword of the new grey bible although they were noted in the forward of the black and red ones.
Each time a new bible of any religion is released, there has to be substantial differences - about 25% according to copyright laws to be copyrighted as their own, so how many bibles out there are right?
Conspiracy theory here? New World Translation - derived from Westcott-Hort who were wanting to have their own translation and be able to bring in the new world order.........hmmmm
Yes but do you have the very latest version