does the wts/ bethel keep a database of all of its active members?
by Homer notsimpson 9 Replies latest jw friends
Homer notsimpson
The only reason i ask is cause my brother got into a pickle. He and a girl sexted she went to the elders and tried to tell on him, but she didn't know what was his congregation, and i dont think that they keep the publisher cards, but do they have his name in file and can just look him up and find his hall or do they need his congregation name in order to catch him? He told me about this, ive told him to try this out, he wouldn't ..but now I'm curious, whether or not they have him and all his information. Any suggestions, answers, comments are much appreciated -
No. They don't have every member in a central database, not even at the branch level.
This doesn't mean that he is in the clear. He will be found out by Elders asking around and deductive reasoning. They will narrow it down. What Language congregation? What Circuit? What Side of town? How did you meet? What does he look like? Do you have any SFW pic's? FB or Insta?
I hope nobody is underage :-/ There may be criminal charges. (even for selfies, it has happened)
Homer notsimpson
Ok, ill tell him that, and no minors were involved, she got dfd but she also was df because she had sex with her multiple ex she was reproved once and although its been more than three months since she got df he is still paranoid, as would anybody i think in something like this that might get you df and make your loved ones shun you
Still Totally ADD
They do keep track of elders and MS. Still Totally ADD
Homer notsimpson
Also, shouldn't there be two witnesses? To this? I mean i guess she can show the pictures as proof ( do they ask for em?) But girls dont typically save those, especially if they weren't even dating
He should be fine. If he used snapchat, she probably didn't screen shot.
I hope he wasn't dumb to sext pictures including face. And also, I wonder, you posted that she sexted too and then went to the elders. What happened to her? Did the elders keep the pictures? Did she have to show them the pictures?
If there's no face, are the elders going to do a penis lineup to find the culprit?
Homer notsimpson
Thats, what i dont know and wish someone gave me some clarification on. Do elders ask for proof? Cuz in in the shepherding book they state, that if someone confesses to anything, they'll accept it with no proof needed, but do they ask in order to find the other party guilty?
Some elders do ask for proof just to be sick perverts. Not that any is necessary. But, yes. To find the other party guilty they will need the proof.