Second week of program with Jeff Schwehm on KFUO radio talking about end times prophecies and JW's. New audio clip up at If anyone has the first week recorded, we can add it to complement this clip.
End Times and Jehovah's Witnesses - KFUO Radio with Jeff Schwehm
by Jourles 4 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Where is KFUO located? And what is their program schedule like?
Ok they lost was nice to hear him talk about the 1914 doctrine and the scrambling to fix it in 1995...however they lost me at the "well they are going to hell, and they don't even know it" Then she had to pray...*sigh*
Switching one crackpot doctrine for another. Hahaha...thanks for the link anyway Jourles
Switching one crackpot doctrine for another. Hahaha...thanks for the link anyway Jourles
Exactly Joanna, all religions resort to threats in one way or the other, hellfire, shunning, etc. It will be a cold day in July in South Texas before I join another religion.. Bug
I hear you BUG!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yep, they all want to create that climate of fear.