They were at my door Saturday

by scumrat 9 Replies latest jw friends

  • scumrat

    I had just got home after running some errands when I noticed 2 sisters at my door. I got out of my car and asked if I could help them. They started with their typical opening. I played dumb and asked them what organization they were from, and they said Jehovahs Witnesses. I then said "aren't you the group with the massive pedophile problem" ? They had no idea what I was talking about. So I told them to wait there. I went up to get my saved copy of the Aug. 2002 NY Times with the article on the JW pedophile problem. ( I was saving it for just such an ocasion ) Well when I came back down, there was a brother at the stoop and the sisters were in the background. So I opened up the paper and pointed to the article and said, "see, this is what I'm talking about, this article says people are suing your religion for covering up sex abuse and that your religion is ex-comunicating members who expose it" . This brother was smooth, he did not flinch.

    He says "well that's an old article" and the people in it were dis-gruntled. So I ask him " why would they be dis-gruntled?" He said, probably because of some things that went on in the congregation, and I said, "like sex abuse?" I wasn't going to let him get away with giving me some bullshit answer. So he says, we tell the people in the congregation to report these matters to the police. Matter a fact, we just sent all our files to them. So I ask him why would you send those files to the police when it was already reported to them? He says well, in some states it's not mandatory to report abuse. So I ask, as a christian don't you think you have a moral obligation to report it, whether it's mandatory or not? He then says well that article is old, have you read anything new on JW's? I said no, and he says that I should go to the library and look up information on them. I asked, Is there anything on the internet about them? He says yes but I would probably find a lot of negative information on the net just like the information in the article. Then he proceeds to give me the official Watchtower website and says, this is where you'll find accurate information. He also tells me that I could call NY and speak to JR Brown.

    By this time I was getting tired of going back and forth and said I got to go. Then for whatever the reason, the sister in the background says she wants to read a scripture to me. She proceeds to read the one about Satan roaving around the earth like a roaring lion. Go figure...... All and all it was the best day I had out in service.

  • rocketman

    I find it interesting that the brother (presumably an elder) said that "we TELL people in the congregation to report these matters to the police" and also that the congregation sent files to the police. I find both those assertions hard to believe.

    It's interesting too that right way he blames things on 'disgruntled' ones.

  • Swan

    Pedophiles are described as predatory too, just like a roving lion.

    Too bad they don't see the point.


  • Farkel

    That elder said an August 2000 article was "old?" HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

    An article that appeared a mere 7 months ago is "old" information on dub child abuse policies? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

    I guess "New Light" is now becoming revealed at light speeds! Think of the irony of this. Child abuse has been revealed as being covered up due to orders from the Watchtower for decades and decades. It has destroyed untold lives. Then, within the last 7 months, the WTS finally does something minor about it, but still doesn't encourage the reporting of it in states which don't require it. This elder doesn't see the cynical attitude of the WTS, and tries to defend it by saying policies of the WTS in places only a few months ago are "old" policies.

    As if that makes everything better now.

    What idiots.


  • TR
    He says "well that's an old article" and the people in it were dis-gruntled.

    I remember very well when I was a 'hovah, blaming any negative thing on disgruntled ones, or "that info is old."

    What a lame jackass I was.


  • BadJerry

    I think you done did GOOD!

    I also think they have been parroted to say that , that is old news. I still can't get over how callous they are as to the number of abuse victims there are. Roaving Lion, oh yeah, thats exactly who they are. with a veil over their face ,off they go.

    from imanaliento ( not able to post using my ID yet)

  • Mary

    He says "well that's an old article" and the people in it were dis-gruntled. You should've said "would you say the same thing about the pedophile problem in the Catholic Church? Is that all just disgruntled Catholics too?" I certainly hope you counted the exchange of thoughts as time on your Field Service Report :-) (sorry I have to use the :-) instead of the smiley faces. I still can't get the damn things to appear on my computer. I've had this problem ever since I downloaded Netscape 7.2.........piece of junk!)

  • Francois

    I had a couple of Dubs at my door a few weeks ago, and when I brought up the pedophile issue one of the guys said, "Well, that's just not true."

    I looked him square in the eyes and said, "Bullshit. Never come back here ever again with your damned lies." And then I slammed the door in their faces. Even I was amazed at how rapidly I became furious with those jerks.


  • Blueblades

    That's old news! A child gets raped,sexually abused,and that's old news! Statute of limitation, I think, has been lifted in this matter ,it is never old news!

    I would like to see his reaction if he came to you and said that his daughter was raped, sexually abused about 7 months ago and you responded by saying don't be disgruntled that's old news.


  • nightwarrior


    You are straight to the point, your sense of bravery must have hit them right between the legs,by the way have read a lot of your postings ,keep the good work up (great fun )


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