I really hope that, with all of the layoffs and construction suspensions going on that something more widespread comes out in the media discussing the huge payouts that WT will be responsible for regarding child abuse cases in the near future. At least this might be a wake up call to some. I fear that so many just think the end is coming & they aren't questioning what's really going on. I know that reality can be painful, but at least people might get a chance to live the remainder of their lives in freedom, doing what they choose.
Link Between Child Abuse Cases and Financial Upheaval
by HomebytheSea 4 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse
It's really hard to know what's really going on but it looks as though someone came in and said we need to stop spending money on recruitment it's a waste of time. They have also realized that their real estate investments are crap too. But what ever it was that made them do this it was in the making back in 2013 because isn't that when they made the special statement in one of their rags, don't be surprised if you told to do some wierd stuff. -
I'm sure there are several factors playing into the mess. I just hate to hear my JW mom say "Maybe this means Armageddon will be here before January!" It would be nice to have some clear evidence for JW's to see what's really happening. Many wouldn't believe it, but some would. We can't even really bring up the ARC in the US because most know nothing about it. We need some national news segment asap. -
Crazyguy - Exactly what I thought when the "weird crap" alert was issued back in 2013.
I thought they are up to something and this is a warning.
I'm not a big believer in coincidence.