Where does the Society stand on Uniformitarianism?

by marmot 9 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • marmot

    My dad doesn't like the fact that I've come to accept the theory of evolution. He always accuses me of unquestioningly "buying into" what scientists say and says I don't apply critical thinking to the problem.

    So now I've decided to tackle his claim at the roots.

    Virtually all scientific theory can be boiled down to uniformitarianism, which, according to Wikipedia, is the principle or assumption that the same natural laws and processes that operate in the universe now have always operated in the universe in the past and apply everywhere in the universe. It is a first principle of science. It is thanks to uniformitarianism that we know the age of the universe and the earth, which brings me to my next point.

    For many years now, the Society has agreed that the earth is billions of years old. In fact, they pride themselves on this and try to distance themselves from young earth creationists.

    On the other hand, they espouse teachings that fly in the face of uniformitarianism, such as a global flood that occurred roughly 4,000 years ago. Taking just a single line of reasoning, the flood can be disproved using ice core data that goes back over 400,000 years.

    All the creationist counter-arguments to ice core data that I've encountered eventually culminate in an attack on the validity of uniformitarianism. They argue that natural laws didn't behave the same way before the flood, therefore all of science is based upon a false assumption.

    So which is it, according to the Society? Is the earth billions of years old and therefore uniformitarianism is true, or did a global flood cover the earth a few thousand years ago and uniformitarianism is a lie?

  • cofty

    I think they stand squarely with Ken Ham in denying uniformitarianism.

    The flood - combined with wilful ignorance - covers a multitude of facts

  • Vidiot

    Uniformitarianism sounds like a very compelling belief system.

    I want to convert.

  • Saintbertholdt

    I am a 33rd level Scottish right Grand Wizard Uniformitarianist. We have lodges all over and Wednesdays is rib night. All are welcome. Dress code: Black tie and tails (male and female), white gloves and an apron.

    So which is it, according to the Society? Is the earth billions of years old and therefore uniformitarianism is true, or did a global flood cover the earth a few thousand years ago and uniformitarianism is a lie?

    The universe is Billions of years old but Jehovah only decided to start doing things to planet earth last week.

    So before the flood carbon 14 dating tests would have given different readings to tests done after the flood, yada yada yada.

  • Vidiot
  • Vidiot

    marmot - "My dad doesn't like the fact that I've come to accept the theory of evolution. He always accuses me of unquestioningly 'buying into' what scientists say and says I don't apply critical thinking to the problem."

  • Splash
    Ask him to explain "this generation", or has he just mindlessly bought into everything the GB tell him.
  • maksutov

    marmot: My dad doesn't like the fact that I've come to accept the theory of evolution. He always accuses me of unquestioningly 'buying into' what scientists say and says I don't apply critical thinking to the problem.

    I don't think "critical thinking" means what your dad thinks it means. I also don't hold out much hope that you will ever be able to help him understand your point of view. As for your question, I don't think JWs accept uniformitarianism (I had to copy and paste that, lol) as true. They just cherry pick.

  • Vidiot

    marmot - "Where does the Society stand on Uniformitarianism?"

    Ten bucks says that if a loyalist rank-and-filer were asked, he'd knee-jerk reject it as "false religion" without even bothering to find out what it actually was.

  • RichardHaley

    If the physics of the earth was completely different before the flood then we have 400k of ice core data that was built up in the last 4k years since supposedly it didn't exist before the flood. That is one hell of an ice age... ?

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