Geoffrey Jackson: Published Author
by Wild_Thing 7 Replies latest jw friends
prologos missed an opportunity to invest in real estate deals to buy a south pacific translation office complex. work already done. wonder whether time was counted/reported during the translation hours.
This man dropped out of school when he was 15. He does not have any formal education beyond 8th, possibly 9th grade. But he wrote a dictionary and a grammar book. That the Australian government printed "as a gift" to these Island people. I would really like some verification on that.
At least the Australian government printed the credits. The kingdom government [earthly] never does anymore.
Brokeback Watchtower
20 x 364 hours to write the dam thing. I take it he was never a bright student in school and perhaps kind of slow in comprehension. Jenny must be Tuvaluan wife?
It would be interesting to see what any literary critics that understand the languages would say about the dictionary written by someone that thinks he's runs the organization of a bronze age Deity that is going to destroy the world.
Jenny was his JW Australian wife he married. They were both assigned as missionaries to the island nation of Tuvalu. He has an 8th/9th grade education tops. I don't know the education level of Jenny, but I doubt it was more. Neither of them knew how to speak the language before becoming missionaries there.
His book is available online to purchase and it lists the publishers as himself and his first wife.
For Jackson to note that the Australian. Government printed it is boastful but he has also said that he turned down a scholarship when it is highly unlikely that he was ever offered one.
For Jackson to note that the Australian. Government printed it is boastful but he has also said that he turned down a scholarship when it is highly unlikely that he was ever offered one.
Exactly! Don't you love how they word things in their autobiography: "Would I accept a scholarship to go to university?" But notice the question isn't answered and it is never stated that he even actually scholarship. And it is highly unlike that an Australian 15 year old boy in 1971 headed for dropping out would be offered a scholarship from any university.