Following on from the Rebekah Vardy TV programme last week, Dr Heather Ransom's story is in the Daily Mail.
Dr Heather Ransom's Story in the Daily Mail newspaper
by LostintheFog1999 7 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse
So many lies from the Org. in this Article ! Here is the first : " The Jehovah's Witnesses told Channel 4 that elders are directed to immediately report an allegation of child sexual abuse " , a blatant lie, Elders are told first off to call the Legal Dept. at Bethel, this causes unnecessary delay, and may give time for the perpetrator to cover his tracks and intimidate the victim etc. This is still the instruction in the very latest edition of the Elder's Manual.
Next they smear Rebekah Vardy by saying she was never a J.W, I guess she was never baptized, but they make it sound that her whole story is not credible. THE UTTER LYING BASTARDS !
And of course they do their usual whitewashing of how terrible and murderous the Shunning is.
“There are about 6.9 million Jehovah's Witnesses across the world”
Wrong its over 8 million publishers and 20+million memorial attendees
Its a shame they get key fact wrong as it casts doubt over everything
@ EX:
I saw the Chan 4 interview with Vardy. In it, they said 8 million JW's. I noted it, because that's the "number" we've been hearing for about 20 years. (yes, along with 20 million Memorial attendees)
I've heard those figures since the mid-90's. Do you REALLY think that's the case? LOL!!!!! In reality, there's no likely no more than 3 million worldwide. There's more "out" than still "in."
WT HQ has been fixing the numbers for decades in order to prop up their false facade.
Wing Commander, I rather err on the side of thinking their figures for active J.W's may be not too far off. But they base the figures on slips of paper, "Reports" that are mainly fiction, and therefor not from full-on believers.
I have not spoken to that many J.W's in the last year say, but the handful I did talk to ALL expressed doubts of a serious nature. Lets be generous, and give 'em 8,000,000 worldwide, but how many of those REALLY believe ?
The Daily Fail and Independent picking up on all this will cause more to doubt !
There's more "out" than still "in." ~ Wing Commander
I believe that is true now! I am constantly hearing that so-and-so is "out" or "not attending".
WingCommander2 days ago
@ EX:
I saw the Chan 4 interview with Vardy. In it, they said 8 million JW's. I noted it, because that's the "number" we've been hearing for about 20 years. (yes, along with 20 million Memorial attendees)
I've heard those figures since the mid-90's. Do you REALLY think that's the case? LOL!!!!! In reality, there's no likely no more than 3 million worldwide. There's more "out" than still "in."
WT HQ has been fixing the numbers for decades in order to prop up their false facade.
Wing commander you just can not be right there.
Ad I was growing up and always remember the number of witnesses being in the millions the same as the population of the earth in the billions. So is that 1% roughly?
when I was young the population of the earth was about 6 billion people and the number of witnesses was 6 million. Then 7 for both and now 8 for both.
the script about the narrow road to life and just a few in it 1%, and wide and spacious the road to destruction with the 99% was always used.
if your not accurate it does cast doubt on everything else you say
1% of 8 billion would be 80 million. 8 million would be one-tenth of one percent.