Lest we forget

by fulltimestudent 1 Replies latest jw friends

  • fulltimestudent

    While (naturally) this site emphasises the sins of the JW organisation, we should never forget that the JW sins only mirror similar sins in other 'christian' organisations.

    This story, featured on the web-site of Australia's government owned media group (the ABC) tells the story of Father Damian Barker, a Roman Catholic priest in Perth W.A., who was guilty of sexually abusing young boys. The RC church reluctantly admits to such behaviour (A similar reluctance mirrored in the JW organisation). But, as this article discusses, the influence of priests in the RC church allows a greater scope for this sort of behaviour, and Father Damian could (theoretically) have abused hundreds +++ of young boys.


    An extract:

    Quote: "Gemma Taylor, principal lawyer at Perth’s Maurice Blackburn, now believes that Fr Damian, who died in 1998, could have allegedly abused hundreds of children in the 1970s and 1980s....

    Perhaps most disturbingly is the revelation that Fr Damian had a black diary in which he noted children’s birthdays.

    Many people told the ABC about Fr Damian’s habit of turning up unannounced at children’s homes to wish them a happy birthday.

    But some survivors have told Ms Taylor about the priest’s black diary, where he would document opportunities for abuse.

    So the young boys would be offered a birthday confession and they would be abused at that time, which as many of them said, is now a pretty horrific way to remember their birthdays,” she said."

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  • Justaguy

    The abuses of all organized religions are worth remembering.

    of course, the abuses of organized religion pale in comparison to the abuses if communism in the modern history of man. To this day, horrific concentration camps are run by the Chinese communists.




    Of course these camps pale in comparison to the atrocities committed under chairman Mao where as many as 80 MILLION of the Chinese people died.

    Lest we forget who the Chinese communist party really is…..

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