Does anyone remember the WTS polemics against this programme ? I mean JR , Bobby Ewing and Southfork - see quote from Awake April april 22nd 1982 :-
*** g82 4/22 30 Watching the World ***
"Dallas" in Africa
A popular American television series that features sex and treachery recently began airing in South Africa, prompting the news headline: "Dallas Turns Lounge Into Brothel." Die Vaderland reported that "meetings are cut short and visits cancelled all because of Dallas." The newspaper quoted a member of Action Moral Standards as saying: "We in South Africa are facing a huge social problem, with a rape every three minutes, and in Dallas it is presented as something normal. It can cause a sick person to feel that it is normal and that he can do it too. . . . The people must wake up. The SABC [South African Broadcasting Corporation] is turning our lounges into brothels."
I believe this to be the only popular programme singled out and named as bad entertainment. .. The congregation was divided into a) the theocratic majority who put on their halo's and immediately stopped watching or claimed they never did.. and b) the few brave souls who became closet Dallas fans watching in secret behind closed curtains - unable to share the guilty secret except with trusted family or very close friends.
Personally I never could see the harm in it . It was no worse than any other programme and we watched it regularly until interest waned after several series.