I hope it's ok to just hop in here and post. I wrote this on reply to a fundamentalist born-againer who would not stop preaching at a message board no matter how politely (or otherwise) he was asked/told/screamed at. I am not quite so peeved at Churchianity these days but it still expressed my feelings pretty well.
I confess to a growing intolerance
for those who thrust the supernatural
beneath my nose.
Like swamp-dwellers lifelong steeped in
that ubiquitous methane,
immured by association to the stench,
they seek to share the fetid effluvia
of demons and deities
as if it were blessed incense,
the breath of life.
The sweet air of reason----
perfume of human sharing,
spice of humor, tang of clash and parry:
scents of the tangible, the tao of reality
(physical and virtual)----
is free and clean.
But superstition
and the associated vapors and vicissitudes
is a chicken farm upwind on a hot day.