You guys probably don't even remember me, but whenever I posted on here six months ago when I was DFed for being a lesbian, I was really desperate for some truth, and I got it here. Thanks to all of you, so much! I hardly think of the society anymore. I've filled my life with postive things, books and college, new movies, R rated ones Hee hee, and the like. It's funny. When I first left, I went a little crazy, and I dyed my hair blue, started swearing and drinking a lot (For a 21 year old though, i was pretty moderate... ^^;;) but now, I'm really level-headed and normal. I was in the truth for 5 years, not raised, and I live in a small town where running into other people who knew me from the "truth" was a commonplace... It's funny, nowadays I don't care. It's kind of fun, because THEY are dead to ME. Half the time I don't even notice them.
Well now, I just wanted to say thanks and to any lurkers out there, this is the place to be if you need help getting over the depression of it all. Screw the religion, live for life!!!