Summary of "Imitate Jehovah" convention

by StarTrekAngel 7 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • StarTrekAngel

    This is just a brief summary of the convention this past weekend at the AH in La Feria, TX . Attendance was 1100 and 9 baptized, two of them very young. The elder that gave the baptism speech let out that the day before there was 6 baptisms. I speculate attendance was about the same the day before. Our circuit just got reorganized not too long ago and now the assemblies are a bit smaller than they used to. We stayed in for lunch and you could pretty much hear the silence inside the hall. Total cost for the one day assembly was $8,300. By mid afternoon there was a deficit of over $5,000. Accounts person also mentioned a $1,500 deficit from the previous assembly in February. Long gone are the days where I would estimate that a $0.50 donation for each attendee would cover. Not the case anymore.

    The assembly itself was pretty dull. I always prepare myself from what I am about to hear so I try to tune out most that I can. However, they never stop surprising me. We have a new CO in the circuit. Guy with first assignment, fresh out of the school. He seems to have a lot of energy and willingness to be strong worded.

    In the terms of money, there was a pretty big speech regarding giving more time and money, off course. There was also a demonstration of how to keep a simple life and avoid unnecessary expenses. You know, the less you spend, the more you can give. In the demonstration the kid approaches his dad with the latest offer from his cell phone carrier. The dad can't deny that paying $200 for the latest phone on a new two year deal is a good bargain. Never the less, he begins to lecture his son on how much more useful that money would be if they put it forth for kingdom interests. With the end so near and so much need for new construction, he said.

    Later, the CO started the public talk about how God sees religion. His opening remarks were about how disappointed people are with religions. Among many things, he mentioned the abuse of children by the clergy. At that point I had to get up and walk outside. I knew there was a pretty self righteous speech ahead. I can stomach the speech, but I knew I would not be able to stop myself from having a conversation with the wife later that day. So I rather not hear it.

    This is the first time I had to get up and walk out. I am afraid more will come.

  • Splash
    There was also a demonstration of how to keep a simple life and avoid unnecessary expenses.

    Does that include that expensive new watch from Apple?

  • Londo111
    Yes, toward the end of my meeting tenure, it all seemed tantamount to hate speech. It was hard to sit through.
  • DesirousOfChange

    he begins to lecture his son on how much more useful that money would be if they put it forth for kingdom interests. With the end so near and so much need for new construction, he said.

    You could have just summed it all up quite easily with:

    SS-DD -- Same Sh*t - Different Day!


  • sir82

    Long gone are the days where I would estimate that a $0.50 donation for each attendee would cover.

    Current charge, at least in our circuit, is $10 per publisher.

    Attendance is around 2000, so any revenue less than $20,000 is considered a "deficit".

  • Beth Sarim
    Beth Sarim
    Of course, lately that's what it's all about, money, money, money......
  • username
    All overseers are equipped with Apple gear aren't they? That pretty much explains the huge shares the watchtower have invested in Apple.
  • sir82

    All overseers are equipped with Apple gear aren't they? That pretty much explains the huge shares the watchtower have invested in Apple.

    There are about 600 COs in the USA, maybe 4000 or 5000 worldwide. CO use is a portion of a fraction of a minor part of a footnote of Apple revenue.

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