Recently there is a royal bulla that was found in Jerusalem, that of the judean king Hezekiah on it was two Egyptian Ankhs and a wings sun disk. There have been other artifacts found with that of the Egyptian Scarab beatle which relates to sun worship. So does the Bible give any clues to the God of the Jews?
In 2 chronicles chapter 35 it's talking about the good king Josiah who once again cleaned up his kingdom from pagan worship. He is also the grandson of another good king that cleaned up Judea from pagan worship, Hezekiah. But then at about verse 20 he rises up to go out to do battle with the Egyptian king Neco. According to the Bible Neco sends messengers to Josiah saying, "what have we to do with each other, o king of Judah? I am not coming against you today but against the house I'm at war with, and God has ordered me to hurry. Stop for your own sake from interfering with God who is with me, so that he will not destroy you." OK so an Egyptian king is talking as if his God is the same as the God of Josiah, what? And in the end Josiah doesn't listen and dyes in battle. Again what? The good king of God the king of the chosen people dyes and instead an evil foreign king wins and gods with him? WHAT?
Could it be that the God of the Jews was possibly at some time an Egyptian God? Could the reason why there are so many Scriptures railing against the worship of Baal, Ashurah and others of the Canaanite Pantheon is because the Jews we're worshipping an Egyptian God? Could these artifacts found over the years be pointing to this idea? Could the fact that at least two synogogues in the area one called Bet Alpha and the other called Hammath Tiberias built much later but show the sun God Helios be a clue? Could the writings of a second century bce historian stating the God Of the jews is Iao and this same name showing up in the dead see scrolls make it more obvious? Did the Jews really worship Amen-ra which is the original name for the Greek God Helios ie Iao? Is the evidence becoming obvious?