The Light

by crinklestein 2 Replies latest jw friends

  • crinklestein

    You know those anti smoking comercials The Truth? How they expose the inner workings of the tobacco companies, taking memos and comparing them to what is said to the public...

    Let's come up with a series of comercials that expose the WTBS and call it The Light.

    It could say things like, "For the last 115 years the WTBS has been saying that God's war of Armageddon is coming SOON and would happen before the genereation of 1914 passes away. Now that they are almost all dead, in an effort to prevent loss of membership and monetary donations they have changed their doctrine to incorporate a brand new definition of what the word "generation" means, saying that it could happen anytime in the distant future...

    Wonder if all the witnesses that were told not to persue carriers because of this impending destruction appreciate this change now that they are broke and left without income because they were told NOT to persue carriers that would have provided them with retirement money.

    (And then have the camera pan over to an old guy living on the streets because he's broke. And then the old guy could say, "Yeah, and my wife was disfellowshipped because she questioned this doctrine and eventually commited suicide over the unloving way this was handled. Now they change the exact doctrine that she questioned. Too little too late.)

  • Shutterbug

    Sounds good, but I think you would have more success with the blood issue and the breaking apart of families. (Disfellowshipping) Bug

  • crinklestein

    Oh there could be a whole SLEW of topics. That was just one of them. You could have that damn cutain too, the person could make a statement and then pull the curtain back and reveal a KH. And since The Truth doesn't get busted for slander of lible then we wouldn't either. Damn this sounds better and better.


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