This is in reply to NIGHT WARRIOR's comments earlier. I agree with you. Change can be and has to be done. Every day the WTS is ruining peoples lives, destroying families, killing children, and spreading their propaganda like a desease. We have the power to do something about it. Down thru history people have caused dramatic changes . Most changes in history are the result of the efforts of individuals and groups thereof. Think of unions, class action suits, revolutions, visionaries. In many of these cases an individual rose to the occasion and took a stand. We have the moral responsibility to act NOW. Each day the body count rises. Each day innocent children are martyred for a religious cause.We need to brainstorm and come up with ideas as a group and then decide which ideas may work and act on them. Up until now it has been individuals fighting against the WTS. If hundreds, thousands of victims joined forces it would make all the difference. The world would sit up and take notice. The media coverage would be phenomenal. If each person donated $100 there would be enough money to do several law suits. There is enough evidence to sue the WTS and charge their legal department with profesional misconduct, obstruction of justice and witness tampering. Some of these criminals would go to jail. We could take this to the Supreme Court, even the World Court. I would be happy to put up the first $100 dollars and even if we lost the court cases, I would be gratefull to have had the chance to TRY and make a difference, to TRY and save lives.
Most victims spend thier energy and time complaining. Instead we need to get focused ,united, organized and make things happen. Anything is POSSIBLE. Maybe some of us will be able to be awarded some financial compensation for our own suffering or at least have the satisfaction of helping others, saving lives and doing what is right and moral. Any bad publicity the WTS gets will do them damage and warn potential victims. They may loose there tax free status etc,. Who knows what is possible. We will not know until we try. The real CRIME is if we do NOTHING. Please contact me.
Lawrence Hughes or
[email protected]
by SHUNNED FATHER 8 Replies latest jw friends
I sympathize with your feelings. Legal action is limited in effectiveness by existing case law. Contrary to Hollywood,
you can't successfully sue people for just anything. Child custody cases will bear some fruit.
I would say that the organization is quite vunerable in holding assemblies open to the public ----- but I can't
go into detail. ( use your imagination)
{{{{{ hugs Larry }}}}}
I totally share your passion.
Daily, I work hard 'pumping out' what is put up on the net re: WTBTS corruption and other issues. Mainly the pedophile issue. I take the 'political' issues and 'connections to this system of things' to other sources and outlets. And also to the jws online and most importantly, the lurkers.
Thank you for sharing with us YOUR passion(s). Kudos!
I will now put you on my yahoo list and perhaps you would like to join in sometime, in the jw yahoo chatroom...perhaps you have! hahahaha It can get wild in there and we take a fair amount of 'persecution'. We thrive on it though!!
Sincerely, sKally
I have spent a great deal of time strategizing with some of the largest law firms in North America including ones that specialize in taking on religious organizations , mainstream Churches and Cults. They have come up with many good ideas and are confident of winning legal battles with the WTS on many fronts. They are involved with these types of class action suits all the time and almost always win. They are even willing to put in there own time on a contingency basis and only ask for costs upfront for out of pocket expenses. If law suits are successfull against all the other religious organizations then why not the WTS. Even if the suits were not sucessfull in a monetary way, the media coverage and the subsequent damage of that coverage would be worth the effort. Instead of saying you can't, why not at least make an effort. You may be suprised of the outcome.
Although I share your passion, I can't share your optimism about sueing the WTBTS. I think that legal action against them will some day be successful, just like finally it was against the sue-proof tobacco industry, however there doesn't seem to be any legal theory currently that would achieve the end you seek.
I do think that victims of child sex abuse have grounds to sue and to sue successfully, however that is an individual matter. What we need is a class-action suit against them. And I can think of nothing of that nature that would give class action standing.
I did ask Ray Franz once if anyone had successfully sued the organization, and he said that not to his knowledge had that ever happened. Although he did say that he would not necessairly know of it in the first place, things being so compartmentalized at Borg headquarters.
I'm with you in spirit for what that counts.
The only publicized victory in a lawsuit against the Society was the Olin Moyle case - for slander.
I think they lost 50,000 bucks. There have been other cases settled quietly.
It would be an enormous breakthrough to have just one public victory against the Watchtower - even if they didn't
have to pay much. It would worth a lot just to have one HEADLINE saying that they were found GUILTY.
You could make a hundred copies and send them to every Witness you know
"Your contributions at work!"
Here is the link to a law firm who successfully sued the Watchtower. The case was settled out of court but a lot of money was involved.
Coughlin v. Jehovah's Witnesses and Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of New York October 1, 2002 $1.55 million dollar mid-trial settlement arising out of motor vehicle death.
Jehovah's Witness defendants claimed that the driver who caused the death was not their employee but rather was on his own private religious trip at the time of the accident.
Joel uncovered evidence of the sect's activities and obtained secret documents during discovery that bolstered the case and caused the Jehovah's Witnesses to pay the highest settlement amount in their history. No offers to settle were made by Jehovah's Witnesses until after the trial commenced -
Guest 77
If the O'Reilly factor didn't 'even' touch the Watchtower pedophile scandel, something is going on behind the scenes.
Guest 77
{{{{{{{ guest77 }}}}}}}}
Nice to 'see' you again.
I fully concur with your above statement. O' Reilly is highly aware of much that is going on within and outside the walls of this organization...tons of emails from me will prove this. Not to mention numerous phone calls to FOXNEWS and the same emails go to Hannity/ Colmes AND all CNN reporters. I have relentlessly sent my local news press and media ALL of what has been reported elsewhere. THEY WON'T TOUCH IT!
Why is this?? Of course, you and I know the reasons. And the top 'executive' that controls ALL that is ever uttered by media. WTBTS corruptions are being purposely kept from public as long as 'they' can, without Pandora's Box coming ajar.
I've stated it before...WTBTS is needed by our government and by our 'shadow government'. Gerard threads prove this beyond doubt. If WTBTS goes down, so does this very system that has been put in place, by design.
If you ask me, 'It' is ALL unraveling. We can thank the internet and courageous people for this. Namely Mr. Cooper. May he continue to rest in peace.
Take good care now.