Hello everyone,
I would like to give you, the latest update
concerning the closing hours, days, years of
“the end of the present global system of things”
a) From the KM/ March 2003 page 6 ,
paragraph 25 subheading:
“Take full advantage of the time remaining “
Today all the evidence indicates that the end of the present global system of things is at end. Day by day our pattern of life should reflect that conviction. As zealous servants of Jehovah, we should be focused on the urgent work of declaring the good news.-
Titus 2:13,14 .”
b) From the Yearbook 2003, “ A Letter from the Governing Body “ page 5, paragraph 1 :
“We face similar situation today. As we approach the
destruction of this wicked system, we expect increased opposition. Satan is filled with “greatanger”, and that anger is especially directed against those who serve God (Rev.12:12) “
You do remember the quote from 1950,…see what we get f rom the WTBS Inc. after … 53 years!!